Sydney Forum
Identity | Independence | Freedom
August 28-29, 2004
Time: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm both days
The fourth Sydney Forum will be a positive event for all Australian nationalists and patriots, for all of us who desire a new politics beyond the old labels of Left and Right and outside of system-party loyalties.
Previous Sydney Forum events have been received well and have placed important issues on the agenda.
A fake New World Order war on ‘terrorism’ placed young Australians in the firing line in Iraq and our country is in greater danger mow than ever, thanks to the anti-Islamic crusade undertaken by imperialism. We know now the story about ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in Iraq was one big lie. Dr. Saad Al Samarai, Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Iraq, told us that at the 2002 Forum. Where next will Australians be sent to die for oil, for Israeli Zionism and for American multinational capitalism? Are we to suffer an American army of occupation in Australia, disguised as ‘forward base personnel’ or a ‘rapid reaction force’?
The bloody foreign adventures engaged in by our government, permit the erosion of our civil liberties and our national identity, our personal security on the farm, in a small business, in the factory, and elsewhere, all in the name of counter-terrorism. The security agencies have gained secret-police-state powers over the citizen. Our politicians do not even see that being agents of the New World Order regime enforced by America – is wrong or treasonous. In the ultimate newspeak, it is thought to be normal.
The Sydney Forum in 2002 and 2003 supported a fight-back. We see around us heightened effort! Ideas sown by the Sydney Forum have taken root.
Resisting the New World Order system means working in our chosen parties and associations in informed and politically-conscious ways in order to get results.
The Sydney Forum has provided a place for controversial speakers to be heard. We do not accept responsibility for all commentary from any speaker, nor does any other speaker endorse someone else. Yet, each speaker has something to impart to you, useful and incisive material that will serve you in your political work.
There is ample Open Forum time available when participants can have their say. Time can be ‘applied’ for to the meeting-chairman on Day One.
The meeting-chairman advises that order will be kept, particularly during question time. Questions not statements.
A full set of video tapes will become available for the instruction of other Australians.
Don’t delay. Get yourself registered now!All who purchase tickets shall receive a special agenda mail-out about 10 days prior to the Forum setting out the location of the meeting.
Relevant Information
The venue will be a Sydney club, very close to public transport. The club has a bar and a restaurant. There is a cafe which can cater for lunchtime snacks and sandwiches. Coffee and tea in the hall will be self-serve and your ticket entitles you to how so much you require (or desire!). There are ample car parking spaces on Club grounds.
Tickets, How Much?
Tickets are now available. We will maintain our prices:
$35 for both days. $25 concession (pensioners, students, unemployed)
$20 for one day $15.00 concession.
This year, we expect to have a number of interstate speakers. Whilst we have no ‘overheads’ of any sort, we must cover certain expenses.
Our ticket costs are comparable with those Forums taking place in Adelaide, Inverell and Mackay.
Tickets are now available. All cheques/money orders are payable to ‘Sydney Forum’.
Meeting Chairman:
Your MC for the Sydney Forum will be Mr. Welf Herfurth who performed the task at the previous Forums.
He will be running a friendly, but tight ship, and he hopes for your co-operation in making for a successful event.
Video Filming:
The fourth Sydney Forum will be video filmed. This will of course, permit the subsequent production of quality video tapes.
Our camera man will concentrate on the speakers and as far as possible preserve the privacy of our guests.
Phone Line:
Our Forum phone line will be available every day from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Outside these times, it is a message line only. Ring: 0407 732 868.
About The Forum
The Sydney Forum is a non-profit event. Our published balance sheet after the last Forum revealed a small loss which was borne by the organisers.
The Forum is independent of any and all patriotic parties and associations. The Forum could not do its function if it was formally linked to any party or association. However, it is a place where all can come, exchange ideas and documents and participate. Any affiliation held by the organisers is independent of their function in this event.
Members of all patriotic groups and independent patriots and their friends and family are welcome.
The Forum organizers believe that there is a crying need for political formation. By that, we mean, the articulation of precise ideas that can serve the mobilisation of Australians in the fight for our identity, independence and freedom.
The Forum organisers see their role as – facilitators only. While we will ensure the smooth running of the event, our aim is to stimulate, not control, discussion and education.
The Forum will be served by the Rallying Point Information Service and the Heritage Book Service.
The Rallying Point Information Service specialises in cheaply priced materials on aspects of Australia’s history and heritage. It maintains titles on immigration issues, state power, culture and other select-title books.
The Heritage Book Service will carry quality books on matters of global politics, foreign policy issues, global finance and unusual and hard-to-get Australian works.
It is also possible for participants to place texts on tables for free or other distribution.
Open Forum:
There is a time allocation for Open Forum speaking. Time will be put aside on both days. Each slot will be 15 minutes only (10 minutes for speaking; five minutes for questions). This feature of the Sydney Forum imposes on participants to be brief and concise.
Special Organizational Discount:
The organisers of the Sydney Forum will consider a special discount to organized groups. Write or phone for further information.
We expect to have 10 quality speakers and open-forum time for participants to air their own views or comment freely upon any or all of the speakers.
Speakers’ List
This circular provides updated details. See our advertisements in the alternative patriotic press. Or phone our Contact Line for final updates on speakers.
Mr. Neil Baird, The Economics Of Globalisation.
The globalist economic revolution has taken many new directions over the last couple of years. Neil Baird, publisher of The News Report, is a close student of globalism. It is a subject which must be grasped by all Australian nationalists and patriots and we are pleased indeed to welcome him to speak again on this subject, with new and relevant information. Neil believes that a nationalist policy must be developed to lead Australia out of globalisation.
Mr. Robert Gribben, Neo-Fascist Politics And The Thought Of Julius Evola.
One of the most intriguing systems of Italian political-philosophical thought has been that of the ‘Indo-European traditionalist’, Julius Evola. For Evola, there are eternal verities in the social order of the Indo-European peoples, methods and mythologies appropriate to a re-ordering of a new society after the ultimate collapse of democratic capitalism. Sidelined during the Fascist era, Evola (died 1972) was often associated in one way or another with the post-war movement generally dubbed as Italian neo-fascism. Robert Gribben, a doctoral student, will introduce this remarkable thinker and suggest traditionalist values have their place – even in the antipodes.
Dr. Jim Saleam, Riding Shotgun For John Howard: The Liberal Party Takeover Conspiracy, Take Two
With the imposion of One Nation and the fight to reorder patriotic politics in Australia, an old humbug has reappeared in New South Wales. It is the ‘hard right faction’ of the Liberal Party led by upper house MP, David Clarke. This faction has always served to gather support to the Liberal Party whilst disorienting patriotic and nationalist groups; they take up certain pseudo-patriotic rhetoric and promise to ‘takeover’ the party if only true patriots will melt in to the secret plan. This faction has a thirty year history through its open and covert links with official ASIO / Special Branch anti-communism, down to the bogus ‘war on terror’ which John Howard encapsulates. Jim Saleam has been a personal target of the group and will introduce sensational exposure material, drawing the political lines sharply and giving these snakes no place to hide.
Mr. John Rivett, The Diggers’ Legacy
Mr. John Rivett is a corporate lawyer from Queensland. He is also President of The Great Australians, a registered federal political party; he is thus acquainted with fine Australian patriot, Mr. John Cumming, founder and patron of this party. Mr. Rivett will be speaking on the evils of the foreign economic takeover of Australia and strategies to secure a new economic nationalism for our country. This is his first appearance at the Sydney Forum and members of The Great Australians are most welcome to be present.
Mr. Peter Whitfield, The Causes Of Global Terrorism And The War In Iraq
Mr. Whitfield addressed the 2002 Forum. He will return in this short address to highlight the the criminal folly of the invasion of Iraq by the New World Order terrorist regime, an invasion which has only fueled Islamist terror. His knowledge of Iraq came from personal experience.
Mr. Dave Astin, Citizens’ Initiated Referenda
This will be one of our short addresses. A sucinct view on the merits of and potential workings of – Citizens’ Initiated Referenda. The CIR principle promises to revolutionise the idea of freedom and direct empowerment.
Mr. Stuart McBeth, Youth Activism And A New National Vision For Australia
Another short address. Our speaker founded the Patriotic Youth League a grouping of young Australians to act in schools and campuses. He will explain the nature of the new force, whilst relating its work to the idea of a new national vision for Australia. What would a new independent Australia really be like?
Bonny Bauer, Australias Glowing Future – The Cracks In Irridating Our Food Supply
An alarming but accurate view of the latest craze of multinationals’ controlled agriculture. Bonny Bauer is a Rural Commentator and Research Consultant from Tully who has lectured extensively upon her subject. She has been involved in the organics industry and in opposing the chemical industry on matters of public health. She will present a detailed paper.
Joe Bryant, Australias Glowing Future – The Constitutional Debate In Ballarat For The 150th Anniversary Of Eureka
Mr. Joe Bryant is an organiser of a significant constitutional debate to be held in Ballarat this December. He will report on this forum, which will be held in conjunction with the Eureka Freedom Forum. Eureka was a key aspect of our national and constitutional development.
John Wilson, The Corrupt Legal System
Mr. John Wilson is widely known for his controversial stand against the institutionalised corruption which is our current legal system. He will address on various aspects of his struggle for honesty and reform
Terry Worthing, The Simple Way To Fix Australia’s Problems
Terry Worthing is a grassroots activist from Queensland. He argues a case for tax and financial reform. He says that every Australian is a shareholder in the national wealth. If his share is about $5 million then he derives no benefit, but rather sees his asset under foreign control. A novel perspective which inverts the way we see the economic order.
Forum Registration
Register Now For The Sydney Forum / Donate To Its Success !
Send your cheque/money order paid to:
‘Sydney Forum’
P.O. Box 160
Bankstown NSW 2200
Registration fees:
$35 for 2 days ($25 concession, pensioners, unemployed etc)
$20 for 1 day ($15.00 concession)
You will receive your receipt (ticket) and a further bulletin that tells you the venue etc. and full agenda.
A phone line is available (9am-9pm); message line outside these hours). Mobile: 0407 732 868.
The final bulletin will be issued 10 days prior.
The organisers of the Sydney Forum will thankfully receive contributions towards the necessary advertising in the patriotic press and for other legitimate expenses.
Sydney Forum 2004 Report
The following article composed by critic demands we raise our game…
Advance Australia Where?
SOURCE: Central News is a multi-platform news service based at the University of Technology Sydney. It is where journalism students put theory into practice by producing text, audio and video stories ranging from breaking news to interactive features. Stories published on Central News are open source and can be reproduced on other websites provided the author is credited, a link to the original story is included and the text is not altered. Editor and publisher Martin Newman.
Forthcoming: Fifth Sydney Forum (2005) Invites NPD Leader
Register Now for Sydney Forum 2005: Donate To Its Success
- $35 for 2 days ($25 concession, pensioners, unemployed etc)
- $20 for 1 day ($15.00 concession)
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