Sydney Forum 2003

NOTE:  The following information is what has been able to be recovered from this Sydney Forum of 2003.  It is unclear from the records of 2023 whether the following guest speakers at the forum spoke in 2001, 2002 or 2003.

Notable in the political context of the time, the 2003 Invasion of Iraq by America with Coalition support military forces (including those of Australia) had occurred between 20th  March 2003 and 1st May 2003.  The forum would have taken place just three months later in August 2003.


Third Sydney Forum

Identity  |   Independence  |   Freedom

30-31 August, 2003




SPECIAL NOTE (August 8) This notice has now been substantially modified per the Speakers’ List and other detail. Check the changes!

The third Sydney Forum will be an unique event for all Australian nationalists and patriots, a motivational event for those who desire a new politics beyond the old labels of Left and Right and outside of system-party loyalties.

But there are urgent political questions to consider.

A New World Order war placed young Australians in the firing line in Iraq. Why? Weapons of mass destruction?  There weren’t any, exactly as our guest last year Dr. Saad Al Samarai, Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Iraq, told us. Where next will Australians be sent to die for oil, for Israeli Zionism and for American multinational capitalism?

These bloody foreign adventures, permit the erosion of our civil liberties and our national identity, our personal security on the farm, in a small business, in the factory, and elsewhere, all in the name of counter-terrorism. The system refuses to listen to the ordinary Australian. It uses party dictatorship and legislative authoritarianism to rule over us.

The Sydney Forum in 2002 supported a fight-back. We are urging heightened effort!

Resisting the New World Order system means working in our chosen parties and associations in informed and politically-conscious ways in order to get results.

The Sydney Forum provides a place for controversial speakers to be heard. We do not accept responsibility for all commentary from any speaker, nor does any other speaker endorse someone else. Yet, each speaker has something to impart to you, useful and incisive material that will serve you in your political work.

There is ample Open Forum time available when participants can have their say. Time can be ‘applied’ for to the meeting-chairman on Day One.

The meeting-chairman advises that order will be kept, particularly during question time. Questions not statements.

A full set of video tapes will become available for the instruction of other Australians.

Don’t delay. Get yourself registered now! All who purchase tickets shall receive a special agenda mail-out about 10 days prior to the Forum setting out the location of the meeting.

Relevant Information



The venue will be a Sydney club, very close to public transport. The club has a bar and the restaurant will cater for lunchtime snacks and sandwiches. Coffee and tea will be self-serve and your ticket entitles you to how so much you require (or desire!). There are ample car parking spaces on Club grounds. Some street parking is also possible.

Tickets, How Much?


Tickets are now available. We will maintain our prices:

$35 for both days. $25 concession (pensioners, students, unemployed)

$20 for one day $15.00 concession.

This year, we expect to have a number of interstate speakers. Whilst we have no ‘overheads’ of any sort, we must cover certain expenses.

Our ticket costs are comparable with those Forums taking place in Adelaide, Inverell and Mackay.

Tickets are now available. All cheques/money orders are payable to ‘Sydney Forum’.

Meeting Chairman:


Your MC for the Sydney Forum will be Mr. Welf Herfurth who performed the task at the previous Forums.

He will be running a friendly but tight ship and he hopes for your co-operation in making for a successful event.

Video Filming:


The third Sydney Forum will be video filmed. This will of course, permit the subsequent production of quality video tapes.

Our camera man will concentrate on the speakers and as far as possible preserve the privacy of our guests.

Phone Line:

Our Forum phone line will be available every day from June 16 from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.

Outside these times, it is a message line only. Ring: 0421 310 514

About The Forum:

The Sydney Forum is a non-profit event. Our published balance sheet after the last Forum revealed a small loss which was borne by the organisers.

The Forum is independent of any and all patriotic parties and associations. The Forum could not do its function if it was formally linked to any party or association. However, it is a place where all can come, exchange ideas and documents and participate. Any affiliation held by the organisers is independent of their function in this event.

Members of all patriotic groups and independent patriots and their friends and family are welcome.

The Forum organizers believe that there is a crying need for political formation. By that, we mean, the articulation of precise ideas that can serve the mobilisation of Australians in the fight for our identity, independence and freedom.

The Forum organisers see their role as – facilitators only. While we will ensure the smooth running of the event, our aim is to stimulate, not control, discussion and education.


The Forum will be served by the Rallying Point Information Service and the Heritage Book Service.

The Rallying Point Information Service specialises in cheaply priced materials on aspects of Australia’s history and heritage. It maintains titles on immigration issues, state power, culture and other select-title books.

The Heritage Book Service will carry quality books on matters of global politics, foreign policy issues, global finance and unusual and hard-to-get Australian works.

It is also possible for participants to place texts on tables for free or other distribution.

Open Forum:

There is a time allocation for Open Forum speaking. Time will be put aside on both days. Each slot will be 15 minutes only (10 minutes for speaking; five minutes for questions). This feature of the Sydney Forum imposes on participants to be brief and concise.

Special Organizational Discount:

The organisers of the Sydney Forum will consider a special discount to organized groups. Write or phone for further information.

Speakers’ List

This second circular provides updated details. See our advertisements in the alternative patriotic press. Or phone our Contact Line for final updates on speakers.

We expect to have 10 quality speakers and open-forum time for participants to air their own views or comment freely upon any or all of the speakers.



The Syrian Social-Nationalist Party is not well-known to Australians as a player in the politics of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Vehemently opposed to Zionism and New World Order imperialism, Joe will give you the on-the-ground view of current developments in the aftermath of the Iraq war and the so-called ‘road map’ to peace in Palestine whilst also explaining where his party stands on these issues and what Australians can expect of it. Unique!



Mr. Leon Gregor, The Plastic Swastika: The Leninist Under-cult Parading As Today’s ‘Nazis’ And ‘KKK’

Leon Gregor was president of the Christian publishing and book society, the British Israel World Federation, until it was ‘invaded’ by the infamous Sydney neo-nazi provocateur clique who wanted a $500,000 inheritance due to the group. In this presentation, Mr. Gregor will provide a concise updated exposition (he spoke to the Sydney Forum in 2001 and the Inverell Forum in 2002) of this ongoing affair and over-view its significance for all patriotic and freedom activists.

Mr. Darryl Wallbridge, Serious And Amused: Political Correctness In The Entertainment Industry

Darryl Wallbridge has been rated Australia’s number one ‘magic clown’; he has been a journalist for the ABC and an actor in drama and commercials. Mr. Wallbridge has offered himself as a candidate in Federal and council polls in the Coffs Harbour area. Speaking from experience, he says that liberal political correctness, imposed universally, now permeates every aspect of the entertainment industry.

Dr. Eve Hillary, PAN, TGA And WHO Are Behind Health Policy?

Eve Hillary has spent 25 years in health care and observed the medical industry first hand from the inside. She is an expert on the “sickness industry” created by multinationals and their influence over health policy and medicine. She has spoken widely on globalised medicine and the rapid erosion of health freedom. She brings books, CD’s and videos on her subjects.

Mr. Ron Owen: ‘The Individual Verses The State’

Ron Owen faced and is facing 1300 charges per the corrupt Queensland firearms legislation. He is concerned at the erosion of civil liberties. Ron has edited innumerable publications and been an outspoken campaigner.

Dr. Jim Saleam: ‘Beyond The Politics Of Left And Right’

Jim Saleam has written extensively on the need to transcend the Left – Right divide and focus groups on policies and ideas for the country and community.

Mr. Peter Whitfield: ‘The War On Iraq: What It Meant. The Future For Australian Independence’

Peter Whitfield lived in Iraq betweem 1983 and 1985 as a mechanical consultant and agricultural advisor. He has lived in Saudi Arabia and travelled to Iraq. He brings a personal perspective on the war and what it means for our national independence. He was personally acquainted with former Iraqi Embassy staff in Australia.

June Weston:  ‘Understanding Your Property Rights’

June Weston was a councillor for the Snowy Shire for ten years. She is now an officer in the Constitutional Property Rights Committee, a body dedicated to explaining, defending and nurturing the citizen’s rights over his private property.

Joe Bryant:  ‘Time For A New Constitution’

Joe Bryant is a well-known freedom activist, who has in the last year worked hard to expose the realities of the GATS sell-out. He has written and spoken eloquently on the need to develop a new constitution for Australia. He aims to inspire a new awareness of Australia’s lack of sovereignty.

Geoff Muirden:  ‘Civil Liberties Under Attack!’

Geoff Muirden is the Research Officer of the Australian Civil Liberties Union. He is concerned that the various legislative enactments of recent times strengthening the powers of secret police and restraining the free speech of the citizen are part of an increasingly authoritarian agenda.

Register Now For The Sydney Forum: Donate To Its Success


Register: Send your cheque/money order paid to ‘Sydney Forum’, P.O. Box N291 Grosvenor Place 1220. (Registration fees: $35 for 2 days ($25 concession, pensioners, unemployed etc); $20 for 1 day ($15.00 concession).

You will receive your receipt (ticket) and a further bulletin that tells you the venue etc. and full agenda. A phone line is available (9.a.m. – 9 p.m.; message line outside these hours) – 0421 310 514.

The final bulletin will be issued 10 days prior.

Donate: the organisers of the Sydney Forum will thankfully receive contributions towards the necessary advertising in the patriotic press and for other legitimate expenses.

If you would like to attend a Forum Dinner, please advise with ticket purchase!

The Guest Speakers Were:

Rob McIntyre – Rob spoke about “Overdo$ed Au$$ies“, and how deliberately allowed environmental chemicals affect human health, reproduction, intelligence and social behaviour,  leading to learning disabilities, crime and sickness.

Mr Rob McIntyre

Dennis Stevenson – a professional speaker, author, researcher, with a wry sense of humour. He is a former maverick member of the ACT Legislative Assembly in Canberra and was also the MC of the Inverell Forum.  Dennis spoke about Changing Our World – the incredible power of community!

John McGrath – a student of religion. He spoke about Nationalism and Christianity.  John discussed the several ‘spiritual’ revolutions that have overthrown European values to the point where the Christian faith has also been liberalised into a new social doctrine.

Rob Halford – a radio presenter with the Voice of Reason Radio Network. He has also been a guest on other radio shows and networks speaking on a variety of topics.  Rob spoke about law, politics and various other things, with the main question being do you know who you REALLY are?

Paul Fromm – directs the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s leading defence organisation of free speech, and was the recipient of the prestigious George Orwell Free Speech Award in 1994.  After an hysterical campaign in the media, Mr Fromm was prevented from speaking at the Sydney Forum in September 2010 due to delaying tactics by the Australian Government, who deliberately ensured that his visa would not be issued in time to allow him to speak at the Forum.  However he was able to speak at special gatherings in Australia and New Zealand two months later. Paul spoke about his free speech work which has made him the object of arson and death threats from the Anti Racist Action, which staged a protest in August 2006, outside his Port Credit home.   He also spoke about how the Canadian government, and various other “special interest” groups routinely hassle and persecute him.

Associate Professor Dr. Andrew Fraser – a nationally known figure and academic in struggle with the Human Rights thought-police, he spoke on his sensational free speech process.

Associate Professor Dr. Andrew Fraser

Dave Astin – the distributor of the one time British journal, Right Now, he spoke on Citizens’ Initiated Referenda.

Bonny Bauer – an agriculture and alternate technology expert, she spoke on food irradiation.

Doug Giddings – a freedom activist, he spoke on the erosion of freedoms in a non-democratic society.

Rex Gilroy – an amateur archaeologist and a historical writer, he explained the pre-historical period in Australia and our secret ancient history.

David Astin – of Citizens Initiative and Referenda (C.I.R.) – David spoke about the C.I.R. and the founding of CIR Australia to help all likeminded people and groups to push for direct democracy from the ground up.

Rihab Charida – invited as an expert on the Palestinian question and Zionist practice. She replaced on short-notice a spokesman of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party.  Her appearance aroused controversy in leftist and so-called ‘anti racist’ circles, because of her Marxist views.

Ms Rihab Charida

Ray Hoser – a well known legal activist, explained the extent of official and police corruption in Victoria.

June Weston – a speaker on the need for a more democratic local government regime.

Dr. Fredrick Toben – one of Australia’s and the world’s most well known “Holocaust Revisionists” spoke on the concept of “thought crime” and his personal experience and conflict with thought crime agencies.

Dr Frederick Toben

Alec Saunders – a nationalist writer and theorist discussed the social radical basis of Australian nationalism.

Ron Owen – one of Australia’s foremost firearms’ owners activists, he spoke on popular democracy and gun ownership rights.

Harry Fritz-Gerald Beahrends – “Is today’s economic system serving the People of a Nation” – this address explored with the audience what economic benefit we as people still have in the current economic order and what good political economics are needed to have a Good Society. Harry asks the question, for what did people fight for the twentieth century’s wars? Did they fight for the present degrading economic system to become slaves of money?

Eve Hillary – an activist for medical reform, spoke on alternative health.

Ms Eve Hillary

Perry Jewell – political activist, urged drug reform laws to deal with the drug scourge.

Stuart McBeth – a young university student, explained why a new nationalist youth movement was needed.

Geoff Muirden – a researcher into the erosion of civil rights in Australia, informed us how democratic rights were consistently undermined by thought-police agencies.

Andrew Yeoman – “Bay Area National Anarchists” – The Bay Area National Anarchists are the most active anarchist group in California and the only group in the Bay Area promoting nationalism. Andrew spoke about community organising and the ideas and activism of the National-Anarchists. He illustrated the need for nationalists to earn legitimacy to be the champions of their folk and the only way to do this was through community organising and frequent activism.

Joe Bryant – an inveterate activist, he has spoken twice on freedom issues.

Joe Bryant

Dr. Tom Sunic – a prominent theorist of the European New Right and ideological and cultural critic of the American Ideology.  He spoke to the Forum at great length as our first international guest.

Darrell Wallbridge – a professional clown who brought levity to lengthy proceedings.

John Bursill – “Why 911 Truth” – presented evidence that it was an inside job and why it is important we expose it to the people.

Neil Baird – the publisher of the former News Report, he has spoken three times on themes related to economic globalisation.

Neil Baird

Greg Clancy – an author of works on immigration, he addressed on the subject of people smuggling.

Bob Doring – a firearms’ rights activist, he addressed on civil liberties questions and gun ownership.

Steve Grey – “Weather Patterns And Military Activity” – Steve discussed the military origins of weather change.  Some research has suggested that weather patterns have been affected by military weaponry and other devices. This speaker offered a frightening scenario. Action is therefore possible and urgent.

Peter Whitfield – an engineer who lived and worked in Iraq and the Gulf States, he spoke on his experiences in Iraq.

Peter Whitfield

John Wilson – a judicial critic and activist spoke of judicial corruption.

Terry Worthing – an activist with novel ideas on inflation and monetary reform.

Leon Gregor – president of the British-Israel Federation, he warned about psycho-politics when employed by state sponsored gangs.

Dr. Jim Saleam – (AFP President) and a prominent nationalist activist, theorist and writer, he has spoken at every Forum on different themes.  Jim was the co-organiser with Welf Herfurth in the Forum’s foundation.

Dr. Jim Saleam

Andrew Paterson – a nationalist writer, spoke of the need for an Australian publishing effort to recreate the nativist past.

Robert Gribben – a researcher, spoke on the philosophical position of Julius Evola.

Forum Debate:

Guest speakers Dr Jim Saleam and Professor Andrew Fraser also participated in a debate on “Australian Identity” in front of the audience.  Both speakers debated their differing views on the origins of Australian nationality and heritage and what’s important in modern Australia and issues around the defence, of these principles.


