Dr James Saleam, President, Australia First Party
The Australian Nationalist Ideological Historical and Legal Archive
This site first appeared in 1998 under the control of an Editorial Board consisting of Alex Norwick, Jim Saleam and another person. It was regularly updated for many years and then maintained thereafter, as simply a reference-resource.
While the site featured particular material by Norwick and Saleam, it brought to the fore key authors of the Conservative Revolution and of other revolutionary thinkers with ideas of value to the grounding of a modern movement. In doing so, the Editors archived significant documents which can still serve us.

Alex Norwick (1958-2018)
The Australian Nationalist Ideological Historical and Legal Archive has been referenced by a growing number academic dissertations. In that way, its materials have contributed to discussions into Australian nativism, identity, historical fascism, conservatism, geo-politics – and much more.
By publishing the Archive anew (after its old server disappeared from the Internet), we proclaim our determination to maintain the groundwork and call upon others to develop it into the Australian Future.