(Apologies, this content is a work in progress)
Essays on the Ideology, Organisation and Practice of Zionism
by Yuri Ivanov (August 1968)
This is a classic historical text from the old Soviet ‘propaganda machine’ which signalled the titanic struggle of the former Eastern European bloc with Zionism. First time on the Internet. The original book was 147 pages and published 1st January 1970 in Moscow. It has been translated from Russian into English.
by Jim Saleam and Alec Saunders
Chapter One: Myth And Reality
Chapter Two: A Time to Cast Away Stones, and a Time to Gather Stones Together
Chapter Three: Roofless Labyrinth
Chapter Four: Crossroads
Chapter Five: Caution Zionism!
The book is also readable and freely downloadable in Adobe .PDF format here: