Defend Australia Nationalism! (articles)

(Apologies, this content is a work in progress)

The articles that appear here are written by Jim Saleam, unless another author or contributor is acknowledged.

This webpage has been established because of specialised attacks first made on the web board Stormfront Downunder late last in 2006 against the Australia First Party and some of its members and then – against Australian nationalist ideas and strategic/tactical perspectives generally. This long-running campaign has now diversified. The response will be continuous henceforth.

An organised attack upon a series of Australian nationalist principles and ideas and personalities deserves a counter thrust. However, seldom will any Australian person be named here when opinions are criticised (one necessary exception: as below), nor will any personal attacks be launched. This page will discuss the erroneous ideas which have arisen and provide answers. It is the wish of the editors that anyone who takes an erroneous line is able to return to the correct path unburdened by any concern that he was criticised by name! It may also occur that organizations close to nationalist principles will be commented upon where any position demands critical (but friendly) comment.

The Great Australian Griffin Hunt

Revisionism And Opportunism: Old Terms, New Meanings In The Fight Against ‘Cleanskins’, ‘Mainstreaming’ And ‘Media Friendly’ Myths

The Line Taken In 2002 – 2003 By Australian Nationalists On Iraq: Will It Now Be Betrayed By The Mainstreamers?

“A New Ideology Of Anti Islamism Could Be The New Anti Communism For Fools …” (external link not currently available)
Interview with Dr. Jim Saleam April 18 2007

Comments On The ‘Exposure’ Of Baron Von Hund

The New ‘Cult Of The BNP’: Distorting Australian Nationalist Strategy By A False Reading Of British National Party Politics

What Happened When The British National Front Tried To Set Up In Australia Thirty Years Ago?: A Lesson ForThose Who Wish To Import BNP Politics To Australia

Playing Hypotheticals: Opportunist Reasonings About Building A Mass Party
Coming Soon

An Error In New Right Australia / New Zealand: An Effective Acceptance Of Multiculturalism And Multiracialism In Australia?

On The History Of ‘New Right’ Ideas In Australia

Articles On The Christian Democrats: Could They Be Any ‘Ally’ For The Nationalists?

Alain de Benoist’s ‘Multiculturalism’: A Problem In Defining A New Right Position

What Was Behind The Oz Attack On Jean-Marie Le Pen?

Nick Griffin And His Australian Speaking Tour: Time For Straight Talk From Australian Nationalists About The British National Party. September 19 2008

Free Trip To Jerusalem For Aussie Opportunists! December 24 2008

A Tale Of Different Parties: The British National Party Vs. The German National Democratic Party And The Italian New Force Over Recent Israeli Aggression January 31 2009

What Future For ‘Islamophobia’ As Strategy And Tactics Now That America Has Changed Line? March 10 2009

The Zionophiles At APP Resort To Historical Falsification: Now They Challenge My Anti Zionist Credentials Jim Saleam, March 15 2009

Mainstreaming In Italy: The Final Curtain In The Game March 29 2009

Aussie Opportunists Embrace Canadian ‘Nazi’ Anglophile As Ally For A New ‘Empire’ April 3 2009

Combat 18 In Australia? – And It Will Just Get Worse! April 3 2009

We Are For Real Australia Not The ‘Mainstream’: Why And How Will Australians Move From The Main Stream To The Ex Stream? Jim Saleam and Brendan Gidley for ANZAC Day 2009

The Incredible Fraud Against Australia First: AFP (NSW) Incorporated Files Action Against The Leaders Of The Former Party

The Matter Of ‘Media Image’: A Point About The BNP And Australian Mainstreamers June 21 2009

The BNP And The APP: Time To Discuss The Mainstreamer Line On Race And Immigration. Where To Now? July 14 2009


