Sydney Forum
August 26-27, 2006
Identity | Independence | Freedom
The Sixth Sydney Forum is a major speaking event of the Australian patriotic resistance calendar. The Forum supports the cause of Australian freedom and independence against the emergent new NWO totalitarianism.
For all updates on your speakers and other information:
This year’s Forum might be demonstrated against. In order to assist us in ensuring we can get things rolling, we have instituted an otherwise regrettable security measure.
We are not passing out the Saturday venue details until Saturday morning. It is therefore essential we have your phone number (and/or e-mail address) whilst in Sydney or you make it your business to contact us on the available phone lines.
To get the venue details: you will have to telephone either of the two numbers here after 7.30 am on the Saturday morning, August 26 or you will be phoned by us. It is our promise that plenty of time will be available for any Sydney resident to reach the venue by 9 .15 am for a ‘start’ at 9.30 am. Phone 0407 732 868 OR 0411 669 181
Agendas will be given out at the hall. We sincerely apologise for the necessity of these arrangements.
The Sunday section of the Forum will be held at 725 Princes Highway Tempe (see p.4)
Video Film:
The sixth Sydney Forum will be video filmed. This will of course, permit the subsequent production of quality video tapes. Our camera man will concentrate on the speakers and as far as possible preserve the privacy of our guests.
Phone Line / E-mail:
Our Forum phone line will be available every day from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Outside these times, it is a message line only. Ring: 0407 732 868
For e-mail enquiries – or
The Forum will be served by the Rallying Point Information Service and the Heritage Book Service. The Rallying Point Information Service specialises in cheaply priced materials on aspects of Australia’s history and heritage. It maintains titles on immigration issues, state power, culture and other select-title books.
The Heritage Book Service will carry quality books on matters of global politics, foreign policy issues, global finance and unusual and hard-to-get Australian works.
It is also possible for participants to place texts on tables for free or other distribution. There will also be a T-shirt shop.
Open Forum:
There is a time allocation for Open Forum speaking. Time will be put aside on both days. Each slot will be 15 minutes only (10 minutes for speaking; five minutes for questions). This feature of the Sydney Forum imposes on participants to be brief and concise.
Speakers’ List AGENDA
This circular provides details. See our advertisements in the alternative patriotic press. Or phone our Contact Line for final updates on speakers. THERE WILL BE ADDITIONS.
SPECIAL GUEST: A Surprise Syrian Speaker Will Address On The Middle East Crisis
The Syrian position on the war in Lebanon, the resolution of the Palestine question, Israel and related issues needs to be explained. This is a special opportunity for Australians to obtain a direct view on the crisis of the region. Useful materials for the audience. Questions will be answered. It is the view of the Sydney Forum that no Australian soldiers should be employed in the Middle East in roles that inevitably serve Zionism and the American agenda. Perhaps the views of Syrian patriots deserve real consideration in defining these issues.
Associate Professor Andrew Fraser, On Thought Policing Of Australia
Professor Fraser has struggled for over 12 months with the thought-police of the Human Rights And Equal Opportunity Commission and won international and national kudos for his fight for academic and personal freedom.
A Historian And Author, The Ancient European Contact With Australia And The Pacific
Our speaker is a historian and archaeologist who has investigated the contacts between the peoples of Euopean racial origin from the Near East and Old-Europe – with Australia. There are startling discoveries popularised now by a variety of authors. This speaker will present evidence that shows a plethora of contact over the millennia. There will be maps, slides and other specialised material. He has asked for anonymity pending the Forum.
Mr. Greg Clancy. The People Smuggling Racket
Greg Clancy has written a book on this very subject and has been studying the immigration disaster for a number of years and has published a book on people smuggling.
Dr. Jim Saleam, Imperialism, Zionism And The Criminal War Against Iraq
Jim Saleam has spoken at every Sydney Forum. He will address issues arising from the current war in Iraq and look at the potential for Australian independence in an increasingly unstable world, the lies and hypocrisies of our ‘leaders’ .
Special Speaker: Tribute To Eric Butler And Geoff Muirden
A short eulogy to two patriotic Australians who died recently and who have contributed in varying ways to Austrlian patriotic politics,
Mr. Neil Baird, The Crisis Of Globalisation
Mr. Baird, publisher of The News Report, a sponsor of the Sydney Forum, has spoken before at the Sydney Forum. He has been documenting through The News Report the crisis of the globalist economic system.
The Sunday Program
The Sydney Forum is a two day event. The second day, the more ‘political’ day has a social component and is being held at 725 Princes Highway Tempe. Neil Baird etc are billed on that day.
The second day offers a wide opportunity for purchase of materials, exchange of documents, ideas etc in a social atmosphere.
Register Now For The Sydney Forum, and Donate To Its Success
Send your cheque/money order paid to:
‘Sydney Forum’
P.O. Box N291
Grosvenor Place
Registration fees:
- $35 for 2 days ($25 concession, pensioners, unemployed etc)
- $20 for 1 day ($15.00 concession).
You will receive your receipt (ticket) and a further bulletin that tells you the venue etc. and full agenda.
A phone line is available (9am-9pm); else message line outside these hours. Mobile: 0407 732 868.
Donations appreciated to the success of the Forum. The Forum is a non-profit event.
Opening speech 2006 Sydney Forum
Meeting Chairman Welf Herfurth gave an excellent overview of the purpose and intent of the Sydney Forum. Welf is a German born businessman who now resides in Australia. Welf has been politically active his entire adult life, both in his native Germany and in Australia.
Welf has a hatred of labels. One of his favourite ideas is that both Left and Right have to work together to achieve the goals they share in common – ‘Beyond Left and Right’ is his favourite slogan. He has an unusual amount of tolerance which is not always common in nationalists.