NOTE: The Sydney Forum started in 2001, however, records of this first forum have not been located.
The timing of each annual Sydney Forum was typically in August over two consecutive weekend days Saturday and Sunday.
Most were held at a selected social club in Sydney’s CBD.
Dr. Jim Saleam – a prominent nationalist activist, theorist and writer, (currently AFP President) has spoken at every Forum on different themes. Jim was the co-organiser with Welf Herfurth in the Forum’s foundation.
IMPORTANT: By way of introduction to this series of the Sydney Forums, as this inaugural 2001 year became the historical beginning of what was to become a continual series of annual forums over the next decade, appropriately here at year one we quote below two record narratives from the future Sydney Forum of 2011. After a decade, having become wiser from the experience, thus able to garner insight to convey the raison d’être of what these annual Sydney Forums from the outset were all about.
“About The Forum”
“The Sydney Forum is a non-profit event. The Forum is independent of any and all patriotic parties and associations. The Forum could not perform its function if it was formally linked to any party or association. However, it is a place where all can come, exchange ideas and documents and participate. Any affiliation held by the organisers is independent of their function in this event.
The Forum organisers believe that there is a pressing need for political formation. By that, we mean, the articulation of precise ideas that can serve the mobilisation of Australians in the fight for our identity, independence and freedom.
The Forum organisers see their role as facilitators only. While they will ensure the smooth running of the event, their aim is to stimulate, not control, discussion and education.”
“Welcome to the Sydney Forum Website”
“The Sydney Forum is the major speaking event of the Australian patriotic resistance calendar. The Forum supports the cause of Australian freedom and independence, and therefore the forum opposes the totalitarianism of the emergent New World Order.
In our current times political debate is needed more than ever to advance the discussion between political parties and individuals to address the issues in our modern world. Political discussion today comes from the top down to the people and not from the people to the top as it should be in a real democratic society. More than ever, the political leadership and the media are vetting the news of world and domestic events and telling us what to think.
The general aim of the Sydney Forum is to advance freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas between different groups from across the political spectrum, with a focus on issues of current concern. While it is true that many of the speakers are from the so-called right wing/conservative/constitutionalist/nationalist side of politics, we also invite and involve speakers who are from the mainstream and extreme left wing side of politics. For example, the Communist Party of Australia was invited to address the Sydney Forum in 2004, and the Ambassador of Ba’athist Iraq spoke in 2002. He told the meeting that the Sydney Forum was the only event where he was able to be heard to tell his country’s side of the story.
We are living in a time where open political debate is stifled by the government and the media with name-calling and labelling. If someone is concerned about immigration, they are immediately called “racist” to try to discredit them and stifle any common sense discussion. The multi-cultural industry is in the process of criminalising freedom to discuss these issues with vilification and incitement laws.
Because we provide a voice to issues that particular interest groups do not want discussed, the Sydney Forum has been the subject of political interference. When the Forum invited a speaker from the National Democratic Party of Germany in 2002, the Australian Foreign Minister intervened to refuse a visa; in 2005 another speaker from that party had his visa revoked whilst in transit to speak at the forum and a local politician intervened to have the venue cancelled. In 2010, the Australian Government used delay tactics to ensure that our overseas Speaker, Mr Paul Fromm, was was not issued a visa in time to speak at the Forum. These tactics have only made the Forum stronger, and the organisers more determined. The highest principle of freedom of speech is that all views should be free to be heard, not just the ones that the “status quo” wants to allow.
Everybody and anybody can come to the Sydney Forum either as a speaker or a guest as long as they abide by the rules. The rules of the Sydney Forum demand that we respect diverse opinions and political beliefs, allowing participants to present their points of view in a reasoned and respectful environment.
By bringing together people, organisations and views outside of the “mainstream” we seek to generate and intensify political activism and encourage co-operation wherever possible amongst groups and individuals.
So don’t miss this year’s Sydney Forum, one of Australia’s leading independent forums on the political issues that concern many Australians, but which are not allowed a voice by the Government and the media.
Kind Regards
The Sydney Forum Organising Committee (2011)”