Australian Nationalist Historical Ideological and Legal Archive
[Est. 11 November 2000]
The Brief Background to RADNAT
Australia First Party’s President, Dr James Saleam in 1998 created an online library of Australian nationalist literature entitled ‘Radical Nationalism in Australia‘ (abbreviated ‘RADNAT‘) which was drawn from his Ph.D thesis, many other articles as well as from those authpored by fellow Australian nationalist contributors. The website was located on the Internet at URL
Dr James Saleam in 2002 had also established a second similar website to post online subsequent Australian nationalist literature following his presidency of the Australian First Party, entitled ‘AUSFIRST‘. This second website endeavour was similarly located on the Internet at URL
In 2005, website hosting provider Chariot acquired Alphalink.
In 2007, TPG (Total Peripherals Group) controlled by Malaysian-born businessman Siang Hai Teoh, acquired Chariot (along with Alphalink).
More recently, in 2021 the entire Alphalink domain was forcibly made defunct by TPG against the will of Australia First Party. This caused the total deletion of all content of both Australia First Party’s websites RADNAT and AUSFIRST along with all Alphalink website customers.
Foreign-controlled TPG, having no allegiance to Australians nor to our heritage and values, cast Alphalink website customers into the ether.

Siang Hai Teoh
We never forget.
Despite this setback, Australia First Party had previously facilitated full copies of both websites to be stored by the National Library of Australia’s online Pandora electronic collection. This enabled complete snapshot copies of both websites RADNAT and AUSFIRST to be made available also on Pandora to anyone via the Internet. Website snapshots were created dated 9th October 2003, as well as 19th November in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. It also contained Dr Saleam’s doctoral thesis.
In December 2009, the National Library of Australia launched its TROVE digital collections, which included that from Pandora.
In 2024, Australia First Party through its committed website technically skilled members, have managed source the content of both websites from TROVE and other means to enable resurrecting the entire otherwise lost content of both these websites. Australia First Party has created two new archival online websites that were on alphalink’s webserver, those two being – RADNAT and AUSFIRST respectively now as subdomains on the website
The content copying process is manual and is likely to take most of the year to complete. We apologise for the delay and inconvenience. The links included will all be to posts/pages on this website, not to external websites. This approach will ensure the integrity of this website and no dead links.
In addition, it is anticipated that both main websites of The Party will feature a prominent homepage link to both these two two archival records websites. This will mean that all AFP websites will be linked to one another to facilitate easier access and to promote the many Australian nationalist assets and services of the Party, nameley:
- Party campaigns
- Topical articles on Australian politics and socio-economics
- Party policies and ideological platforms
- Party electoral information
- Australian nationalist literature – plus on aligned nationalist movements abroad
- Academic papers and essays
- Party members’ news updated, events and resources
- Member’s online forum
- Etc.
On this RADNAT website we are recognising the value the ongoing social relevance of legacy literature as an invaluable contribution to Australia’s history that would have otherwise been lost to future Australian generations wishing to learn from Australia’s history, warts and all. This herein subdomain ‘RADNAT‘ that you are currently reading, serves as a replica of the old alphalink website for posterity.
~ Acting Librarian, John Hood AC
The Australian Nationalist Ideological Historical and Legal Archive
This site first appeared in 1998 under the control of an Editorial Board consisting of Alex Norwick, Jim Saleam and another person. It was regularly updated for many years and then maintained thereafter, as simply a reference-resource.
While the site featured particular material by Norwick and Saleam, it brought to the fore key authors of the Conservative Revolution and of other revolutionary thinkers with ideas of value to the grounding of a modern movement. In doing so, the Editors archived significant documents which can still serve us.
The Australian Nationalist Ideological Historical and Legal Archive has been referenced by a growing number academic dissertations. In that way, its materials have contributed to discussions into Australian nativism, identity, historical fascism, conservatism, geo-politics – and much more.
By publishing the Archive anew (after its old server disappeared from the Internet), we proclaim our determination to maintain the groundwork and call upon others to develop it into the Australian Future.”
~ Dr Jim Saleam, President, Australia First Party