Eureka Freedom Commemoration And Other Public Actions
Ballarat, December 2-3, 2005
In Commemoration Of The 151st Anniversary Of The Eureka Stockade (December 3 1854)
Identity | Independence | Freedom
Why The Eureka Freedom Commemoration?
The Eureka Commemoration 2005 will occur to spur the development of a new patriotic-freedom politics. The Commemoration events are being organized by members of the Australia First Party in Melbourne with the co-operation of other patriotic people. Because there is a clear threat to Australia’s identity and our independence aspirations, we must recover our heritage of patriotic struggle. Because there is a noble freedom heritage inherent in the Eureka Stockade uprising, a great symbol of pressing interest to an Australia suffering increasing authoritarian control, we are required to be in Ballaarat!.
- We demand the end of all “sedition” laws passed for the conduct of the fake war on terror.
- We demand the right of Australian citizens to keep and bear arms.
- We demand the repeal of all thought crime legislation from ‘racial vilification’ laws to ‘sexual discrimination’ edicts. We demand the disbandment of the Human Rights And Equal Opportunity Commission.
This year will see a number of special individual ceremonies and events. All patriotic people may participate. It is expected a public rally will also take place.
An array of Australian nationalist poetry books and pamphlets, patriotic literature, Eureka flags and other material will be on sale at a special public display.
Financial Contributions Welcome
The organizers of the Commemoration would appreciate contributions from attendees.
Whilst there are no ‘overheads’ of any sort, we must cover certain expenses.
Phone Line and Contacts
A phone line will be available every day from from 9am until 9pm. Outside these times, it is a message line only. Ring: 0407 732 868 for New South Wales persons interested in attending. Else write an email to for other areas.
About The Eureka Celebrations
The Eureka Freedom celebrations are formally independent of any and all nationalist and patriotic parties and associations. However, it is a place where all can come, exchange ideas and documents and participate. Any affiliation held by the organisers is independent of their function in this event.
Members of all patriotic groups and independent patriots and their friends and family are welcome.
The organizers believe that there is a crying need for Australian nationalists and patriots to rediscover their freedom past. By that we mean, we must articulate precise ideas that can serve the mobilisation of Australians in the fight for our identity, independence and freedom.