The Sydney Forum is the major speaking event of the Australian patriotic resistance calendar. The Forum supports the cause of Australian freedom and independence, and therefore the forum opposes the totalitarianism of the emergent New World Order.
In our current times political debate is needed more than ever to advance the discussion between political parties and individuals to address the issues in our modern world. Political discussion today comes from the top down to the people and not from the people to the top as it should be in a real democratic society. More than ever, the political leadership and the media are vetting the news of world and domestic events and telling us what to think.
The general aim of the Sydney Forum is to advance freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas between different groups from across the political spectrum, with a focus on issues of current concern. While it is true that many of the speakers are from the so-called right wing/conservative/constitutionalist/nationalist side of politics, we also invite and involve speakers who are from the mainstream and extreme left wing side of politics. For example, the Communist Party of Australia was invited to address the Sydney Forum in 2004, and the Ambassador of Ba’athist Iraq spoke in 2002. He told the meeting that the Sydney Forum was the only event where he was able to be heard to tell his country’s side of the story.
We are living in a time where open political debate is stifled by the government and the media with name-calling and labelling. If someone is concerned about immigration, they are immediately called “racist” to try to discredit them and stifle any common sense discussion. The multi-cultural industry is in the process of criminalising freedom to discuss these issues with vilification and incitement laws.
Because we provide a voice to issues that particular interest groups do not want discussed, the Sydney Forum has been the subject of political interference. When the Forum invited a speaker from the National Democratic Party of Germany in 2002, the Australian Foreign Minister intervened to refuse a visa; in 2005 another speaker from that party had his visa revoked whilst in transit to speak at the forum and a local politician intervened to have the venue cancelled. In 2010, the Australian Government used delay tactics to ensure that our overseas Speaker, Mr Paul Fromm, was was not issued a visa in time to speak at the Forum. These tactics have only made the Forum stronger, and the organisers more determined. The highest principle of freedom of speech is that all views should be free to be heard, not just the ones that the “status quo” wants to allow.
Everybody and anybody can come to the Sydney Forum either as a speaker or a guest as long as they abide by the rules. The rules of the Sydney Forum demand that we respect diverse opinions and political beliefs, allowing participants to present their points of view in a reasoned and respectful environment.
By bringing together people, organisations and views outside of the “mainstream” we seek to generate and intensify political activism and encourage co-operation wherever possible amongst groups and individuals.
So don’t miss this year’s Sydney Forum, one of Australia’s leading independent forums on the political issues that concern many Australians, but which are not allowed a voice by the Government and the media.
Kind Regards,
The Sydney Forum Organising Committee

About The Forum
The Sydney Forum is a non-profit event. The Forum is independent of any and all patriotic parties and associations. The Forum could not perform its function if it was formally linked to any party or association. However, it is a place where all can come, exchange ideas and documents and participate. Any affiliation held by the organisers is independent of their function in this event.
The Forum organisers believe that there is a pressing need for political formation. By that, we mean, the articulation of precise ideas that can serve the mobilisation of Australians in the fight for our identity, independence and freedom.
The Forum organisers see their role as facilitators only. While they will ensure the smooth running of the event, their aim is to stimulate, not control, discussion and education.
The Tenth
Sydney Forum
Identity | Independence | Freedom
The 2011 Sydney Forum is THE Nationalist networking event of the year!
Breaking all the rules of left and right……this event will challenge your thinking and break the dogmas that imprison our existence….
The forum is a two day event. Day One (Saturday 8th October) is the formal part of the forum, and which follows a set timetable. The main speakers will give their presentations, with question time and participation invited from the audience.
Saturday Night features a drinks/dinner function, which gives all speakers and participants a chance to socialise and get to know each other.
Day Two (Sunday 9th October) is the more ‘political’ and networking day which also has a social component and is being held at a different venue to day one. The second day has informal speakers, and offers a wide opportunity for purchase of materials, exchange of documents, ideas etc in a social atmosphere.
There is also a time allocation on both days for Open Forum speaking. Each slot will be 15 minutes only (10 minutes for speaking; five minutes for questions). This part of the Sydney Forum requires participants to be brief and concise.
Our speaker list will be announced shortly, but we assure you, you won’t be disappointed!
If you would like to be considered as a speaker at the 2011 Sydney Forum.
Please contact:
Dr Jim Saleam
Tel: 0407 732 868
Email: radnat@alphalink.com.au
Entry Costs:
Tickets to the Forum must be booked and paid for prior to the start of the Forum. Door tickets will only be issued under exceptional circumstances and by the authority of the MC or the Forum Secretary.
Day One (Saturday) – $40 Concession – $35
Day two (Sunday) – $20 Concession – $15
Both days – $50 Concession – $40
Dinner Saturday night:
Due to limited places, please indicate your interest in attending the dinner on the Forum registration form. Participant numbers will then determine the dinner venue and cost, however this will be kept to a reasonable price, and your attendance will be confirmed when the dinner cost is known.
Tickets for the 2011 Sydney forum are available now and can be obtained by sending in your payment and registration form to P.O. Box N291 Grosvenor Place NSW 1220. Your ticket will be mailed to you upon receipt of payment. You will need to bring this ticket with you to gain entry to the Forum.
Please make all cheques/money orders payable to “Sydney Forum”. Paypal available by request.
The venue will be at a Sydney club, very close to all Sydney public transport. The club has a bar and the restaurant will cater for lunchtime snacks and sandwiches. Coffee and tea will be self-serve. There are ample car parking spaces on Club grounds. Some street parking is also possible.
Security and Venue details:
Unfortunately there are people who do not believe in freedom of speech for those who hold different views to them, and who will try to either shut down or disrupt the forum. As the saying goes, “there is no one more intolerant, than those who preach tolerance…”
To counter this, we have implemented the following security measures.

The Saturday venue details will not be given to forum participants until early Saturday morning. It is therefore essential we have your phone number (and/or e-mail address) whilst in Sydney or you make it your business to contact us on the Forum phone lines early Saturday morning. These numbers will be provided to you on your Forum ticket.
To get the venue details you will have to telephone the Forum numbers after 7am on the Saturday morning (8th October) or you will be phoned by the the forum organisers. It is our promise that plenty of time will be available for any Sydney resident to reach the venue by 8:45am for a ‘start’ at 9am.
The venue for the second day (Sunday 9th October) will be revealed at the Saturday session.
Agendas for the 2011 Sydney Forum will be given out at the door.
Meeting Chairman:
Your Meeting Chairman for the Sydney Forum will be Mr. Welf Herfurth who has performed this task at the previous Forums. He will be running a friendly but tight ship and he hopes for your co-operation in making this a successful event.
Photography and Filming:
The Tenth Sydney Forum will be filmed and photographed by the organisers for the the subsequent production of quality DVD’s and other media material. Our camera man will concentrate on the speakers and as far as possible preserve the privacy of our guests. DVD’s of the forum will be available for purchase a few weeks after the Forum and can be pre-ordered at the Forum.
Private filming of the Sydney forum (including video cameras and mobile phones) is not permitted.
Private photography at the Sydney Forum is not permitted.
Vendors are invited to apply for a table for sales or advertising purposes for either or both days. To help with the costs of the Forum a vendor fee will be charged.
- Vendor Table Day One (Saturday) – $45
- Vendor Table Day two (Sunday) – $25
- Both days – $50
Forum Debate:
It was the Sydney Forum organising committee’s genuine intention to hold a debate at the 2010 forum on the topic ‘Hate Speech – cunning censorship or real concern?’
We especially welcome nominations from groups/persons who have been most vocal in condemning and trying to shut down the Sydney Forum.
- The forum organisers reserve the right to select this person from the list of nominees, and will select someone whom we consider to be academically and intellectually qualified to argue the case. If in the opinion of the organisers, no suitable candidate has emerged, the reasons for this will be stated and an address on Hate Speech will be given at the Forum and be duly published.
- Nominations for parties interested in arguing the case for “Real Concern” close on 1 August 2010, and the names of both debaters will be revealed on 2 August.
- The audience members will vote on which argument “won” the debate.
- All audience members must be paid ticket holders attending the 2010 Sydney Forum and must abide by the forum rules of respecting the speakers’ right to talk without being interrupted or heckled. The same applies to audience questions.
- All persons interested in participating in the debate should contact: 0407 732 868 or radnat@alphalink.com.au
The debate was advertised on our website, and on a number of supportive internet forums etc. However a true dialogue can only take place if you engage people with differing views. We were actually really looking forward to listening to someone justifying their support for the concept of thought crimes and censorship. So in this respect, the Sydney Forum was very proactive in trying to find a suitable candidate to put forward the argument for “real concern”.
Invitations promoting the debate and inviting nominations for debaters were sent to the following web sites, organisations and individuals:
(The usual suspects):
- The Socialist Alliance
- Antifa Australia blog
- Slackbastard
- Communist Party of Australia
- Getup
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Resistance
- Fight Dem Back
We also sent personal invitations to the following people:
Associate Professor Katharine Gelber at the University of NSW (she has since moved to the University of Qld). Professor Gelber was a contributor to the book “Hate Speech and Freedom of Speech in Australia”. http://www.polsis.uq.edu.au/gelber
We would like to state that out of everyone we contacted, Associate Professor Gelber was the only one who acted in a completely professional capacity, and who promptly and politely replied to our e-mail, declining our invitation due to a prior engagement. Although disappointed that she was unable to attend, we would like to thank Associate Professor Gelber for her time and for her professionalism.
Mr Rick Kuhn
Threads were also started on the following forums: anarcho-punk.net
We can’t give you a link to the thread as the Sydney Forum account was banned and the thread deleted almost immediately. Obviously we were a bit too scary for the punks to deal with.
Revleft – At the least the anti-free speech fascists at Revleft played a little longer, although they didn’t play any nicer. And they also turned out to be rather sexist – why automatically assume the Sydney Forum poster was a male… maybe they were… maybe they weren’t. Rather poor form we would have thought. We’re sure the feminists at the various organisations mentioned above would have a few words to say about that.
Anyway, to rig the game, the administrators at Revleft banned the Sydney Forum account, all posts by the Sydney Forum account were deleted, but the thread was left open to “discuss counteractions”. Nothing better than having a completely one sided discussion/debate with no right of reply to the other side hey guys…. Yes this is exactly the type of fight the “left” love! http://www.revleft.com/vb/sydney-forum-2010-t138498/index.html?p=1802064
At last year’s Sydney Forum, a small group of protesters assembled outside the Forum displaying a variety of banners, including one that said “Hate Speech is not Free Speech”. We at the Sydney Forum do not believe that the Forum constitutes “hate speech”, in fact we wonder what the term “hate speech” really means or what the use of the term is intended to accomplish. We believe that this is a subject worthy of discussion.
Should we really be surprised that not a single person from any of these organisations felt that they would be able to actually defend their position of thought crimes and free speech censorship? Probably not. However the Sydney Forum organisers again extend an open in invitation to the above groups/individuals, and any other opposing parties to come and speak/debate at the Sydney Forum.
Previous Forum Speakers
The Sydney Forum started in 2001 and has been held every year, with the exception of 2008. This page lists some of the many different speakers from previous Sydney Forums.
Previous Speakers.
Rob McIntyre – Rob spoke about “Overdo$ed Au$$ies”, and how deliberately allowed environmental chemicals affect human health, reproduction, intelligence and social behaviour, leading to learning disabilities, crime and sickness.
Dennis Stevenson – Dennis is a professional speaker, author, researcher, with a wry sense of humour. He is a former maverick member of the ACT Legislative Assembly in Canberra and was also the MC of the Inverell Forum. Dennis spoke about Changing Our World – the incredible power of community!
John McGrath – a student of religion. He spoke about Nationalism and Christianity. John discussed the several ‘spiritual’ revolutions that have overthrown European values to the point where the Christian faith has also been liberalised into a new social doctrine.
Rob Halford – Rob Halford is a radio presenter with the Voice of Reason Radio Network. He has also been a guest on other radio shows and networks speaking on a variety of topics. Rob spoke about law, politics and various other things, with the main question being do you know who you REALLY are?
Paul Fromm – Paul directs the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s leading defence organisation of free speech, and was the recipient of the prestigious George Orwell Free Speech Award in 1994. After an hysterical campaign in the media, Mr Fromm was prevented from speaking at the Sydney Forum in September 2010 due to delaying tactics by the Australian Government, who deliberately ensured that his visa would not be issued in time to allow him to speak at the Forum. However he was able to speak at special gatherings in Australia and New Zealand two months later. Paul spoke about his free speech work which has made him the object of arson and death threats from the Anti Racist Action, which staged a protest in August 2006, outside his Port Credit home. He also spoke about how the Canadian government, and various other “special interest” groups routinely hassle and persecute him.
Associate Professor Andrew Fraser – a nationally known figure and academic in struggle with the Human Rights thought-police, he spoke on his sensational free speech process.
Dave Astin – the distributor of the one time British journal, Right Now, he spoke on Citizens’ Initiated Referenda.
Bonny Bauer – an agriculture and alternate technology expert, she spoke on food irradiation.
Professor Andrew Fraser and Dr Jim Saleam – Debate on “Australian Identity” – the speakers debated their differing views on the origins of Australian nationality and heritage and what’s important in modern Australia and issues around the defence of these principles.
Dr. Ibrihim Saad Al-Samarai, Chargé d’Affaires (Deputy to the Ambassador) of the former Republic of Iraq, denounced the war drive of the New World Order against Iraq and denied the existence of ‘weapons of mass destruction’.
Doug Giddings – a freedom activist, he spoke on the erosion of freedoms in a non-democratic society.
Rex Gilroy – an amateur archaeologist and a historical writer, he explained the pre-historical period in Australia and our secret ancient history.
David Astin – of Citizens Initiative and Referenda (C.I.R.) – David spoke about the C.I.R. and the founding of CIR Australia to help all likeminded people and groups to push for direct democracy from the ground up.
Rihab Charida – Rihab was invited as an expert on the Palestinian question and Zionist practice. She replaced on short-notice a spokesman of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. Her appearance aroused controversy in leftist and so-called ‘anti racist’ circles, because of her marxist views.
Ray Hoser – a well known legal activist, explained the extent of official and police corruption in Victoria.
June Weston – a speaker on the need for a more democratic local government regime.
Dr. Fredrick Toben – one of Australia’s and the world’s most well known “Holocaust Revisionists” spoke on the concept of “thought crime” and his personal experience and conflict with thought crime agencies.
Alec Saunders – a nationalist writer and theorist discussed the social radical basis of Australian nationalism.
Ron Owen – one of Australia’s foremost firearms’ owners activists, he spoke on popular democracy and gun ownership rights.
Harry Fritz-Gerald Beahrends – “Is today’s economic system serving the People of a Nation” – this address explored with the audience what economic benefit we as people still have in the current economic order and what good political economics are needed to have a Good Society. Harry asks the question, for what did people fight for the twentieth century’s wars? Did they fight for the present degrading economic system to become slaves of money?
Eve Hillary – an activist for medical reform, spoke on alternative health.
Perry Jewell – political activist, urged drug reform laws to deal with the drug scourge.
Stuart McBeth – a young university student, explained why a new nationalist youth movement was needed.
Geoff Muirden – a researcher into the erosion of civil rights in Australia, informed us how democratic rights were consistently undermined by thought-police agencies.
Andrew Yeoman – “Bay Area National Anarchists” – The Bay Area National Anarchists are the most active anarchist group in California and the only group in the Bay Area promoting nationalism. Andrew spoke about community organising and the ideas and activism of the National-Anarchists. He illustrated the need for nationalists to earn legitimacy to be the champions of their folk and the only way to do this was through community organising and frequent activism.
Joe Bryant – an inveterate activist, he has spoken twice on freedom issues.
Dr Tom Sunic – a prominent theorist of the European New Right and ideological and cultural critic of the American Ideology. He spoke to the Forum at great length as our first international guest.
Darrell Wallbridge – a professional clown who brought levity to lengthy proceedings.
John Bursill – “Why 911 Truth” – presented evidence that it was an inside job and why it is important we expose it to the people.
Neil Baird – the publisher of the former News Report, he has spoken three times on themes related to economic globalisation.
Greg Clancy – an author of works on immigration, he addressed on the subject of people smuggling.
Bob Doring – a firearms’ rights activist, he addressed on civil liberties questions and gun ownership.
Steve Grey – “Weather Patterns And Military Activity” – Steve discussed the military origins of weather change. Some research has suggested that weather patterns have been affected by military weaponry and other devices. This speaker offered a frightening scenario. Action is therefore possible and urgent.
Peter Whitfield – an engineer who lived and worked in Iraq and the Gulf States, he spoke on his experiences in Iraq.
John Wilson – a judicial critic and activist spoke of judicial corruption.
Terry Worthing – an activist with novel ideas on inflation and monetary reform.
Leon Gregor – president of the British-Israel Federation, he warned about psycho-politics when employed by state sponsored gangs.
Dr. Jim Saleam – a prominent nationalist activist, theorist and writer, he has spoken at every Forum on different themes. Jim was the co-organiser with Welf Herfurth in the Forum’s foundation.
Andrew Paterson – a nationalist writer, spoke of the need for an Australian publishing effort to recreate the nativist past.
Robert Gribben – a researcher, spoke on the philosophical position of Julius Evola.
Contact Us:
All enquiries in relation to the Sydney Forum should be directed in the first instance to:
Forum Secretary: Dr Jim Saleam
Tel: 0407 732 868
Email: radnat@alphalink.com.au
Please direct all postal correspondence to:
The Sydney Forum
P.O. Box N291
Grosvenor Place NSW 1220
Please indicate if your enquiry is regarding:
- A general enquiry about Forum entry bookings and tickets
- Saturday night dinner attendance
- Individuals or organisations wishing to book a Vendor table at the forum
- Media interviews and Forum information
- An application of interest to be a speaker at the Sydney Forum or an inquiry from an invited speaker
Forum Registration:
Registration and payment for the Sydney Forum is required prior to the start of the Forum. Door tickets will only be issued under exceptional circumstances and by the authority of the Meeting Charirman or the Forum Secretary.
Please download and send the completed registration form and payment to:
The Sydney Forum
P.O. Box N291
Grosvenor Place NSW 1220
Please make all cheques/money orders payable to “Sydney Forum”. PayPal available by request.
Entry Costs
- Day One (Saturday) – $40 Concession – $35
- Day two (Sunday) – $20 Concession – $15
- Both days – $50 Concession – $40
20/7/11 2011 Forum details updated throughout the site. “No debate on free speech allowed” page added. Previous Forums page updated.